2015 Canadian Chess Challenge was held in Quebec city this year. Qiuyu is lucky to be invited 4 years in a row. He had a good game and finished at 9/9, “a perfect score”: here is the link to the result:
The tournament was very tough and brutal. Taking into account that each player is THE provincial champion, every mature players know that they cannot underestimate any opponents, no matter how low their rating might look like.
Qiuyu’s strongest opponents are from BC and Ontario provinces, statistically speaking. He historically lost a game to the same ON player last year at CYCC, when he was SO losing faith in that particular game. This year, he adjusted himself quickly and got back to the battlefield in shape. At Canadian Challenge, he had a long game against BC player and a shorter one against the one from ON. At the ninth round, when Qiuyu walked off the board with his unique shy smile, a parent sat beside me shook my hand immediately and congratulated me…. Plenty of photos recorded the happiness. It is not just the result makes me so proud of him, it is the mental toughness growing in him that really impressed me. It seems like that shy and stressful boy has turned into a calm and unbeatable fighter. Not sure when it happens, but I know his mental muscles are gradually getting ready for the strain when life does deliver challenges that do have consequences. At some point, he will just look at you with this “extremely” big smile then you know everything is under control. Yeah, I am such a big fan.
Bravo! 9/9 certainly does not come easy. But winning is temporary, only competition is permanent. A temporary winning means that the practicing method that we employed in the recent past is effective. Whether it guarantees a next winning is still unknown. Keep your goal in your mind and keep up the good work gradually towards your dream. That’s the best we can do no matter we are winning or losing.
最应该感谢的是老师,老师非常非常非常赞赏JOE的努力和勤奋,没有他的鼓励和支持,Joe还只是在随大流下棋。。兴趣是决定一切,但没有人能单纯 依靠兴趣坚持努力研究同一件事物到底,特别是这种竞技项目,输的时候那么多,苦恼的时候比比皆是。几乎任何时候都更需要靠自己的纪律和意志力来管住自己。 我们尽最大努力和老师一起助你一臂之力,关键走多远还得看你自己的意愿。不过说了也白说哈,小鬼完全看不懂这么复杂的中文。
胜利不是凭空而来的,平时流汗和战时流血正常情况下成反比;眼前的胜利也不代表什么,只能说明前一段的练习方法还可以,投入和产出侥幸成正比。在下象棋道路上的各种纠结和抓狂更不会戛然而止,不管你愿不愿意,一切好的或坏的都在波澜不惊的展开。作为家长,首要任务是提高自己:自己的眼界要打开,不以自己的有限去限制孩子;放低姿态:给他精神上充分的自由,允许他犯错误;创造环境:尽可能为孩子打造成长的平台。暂时做不到没关系,继续努力,继续前进,继续成长。 每当过于粗暴和急躁时,看看下面这个帖子:
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