Recent Movies 072015

Posted on Categories Inspirations, Joy Gao

 1.Jurassic World (2015)


The first two Jurassic series are classic; no doubt about it. The third movie is a tragedy.    It even gave me an impression that there was really no need for any more Jurassic movies.  The new sequel is ok, but not good enough to be a reboot to the series.

Should have been different:

There is no suspension in this movie. The writer left nothing for the audience to figure out for themselves. Everything is explained through a blatant exposition. Really not necessary to be smart to understand the movie. Thus the movie is somehow boring. But it is fine, I don’t expect a fourth movie to come even close to the glory of the original.

The Characters are poorly written. That’s the most disappointing part.  But I am expecting the wrong thing, it is a dinosaur movie: people should be expecting dinosaurs doing things throughout the movie, characters don’t matter at all.

What I think good about it:

The writer obviously gave up trying too hard to vow the audience, which actually resulted in a movie flowing in a smooth way. 

The leading actor is the type of person I like. 

The girl is pretty, but seriously, running in those high heels to survive from dinosaurs? They do need to change the stereotype. I am not impressed anymore.

Overall, it is an entertaining movie. A little bit of everything together. The technical part is better (seemingly it burned lots of money).

2. Sin City 2


The original Sin City surprised me in many way.  Stylish! Stylish is the key for the original.    But this second movie is such a substantial disappointment except the leading actress: what an acting!  One big question I have: what is the purpose of the story of Joseph?

In a word: eyeball-gougings and finger-breakings are rather mundane this time.

Maybe I should stop watching any sequels to any series.

3. 道士下山: 陈凯歌作品





除了两帅哥在泥巴地上打滚的场面让人觉得突然思路出了轨以外(或者说非常具有“红高粱”标记), 其他我也没什么好吐槽的。毕竟好电影昙花一现,比起其他那么多脑残片老说, 这片还是有点意思的。
