100 Days Book Reading Journey-QY

Posted on Categories Inspirations, QiuYu Huang


Day 29/100 November 28, 2015;

Success/Failure: 24/5

Read: Science et Vie:On pense tous quantique (Page 48-51)

Spent Time: 15 minutes



La France devrait subir de gros changements climatiques! La température moyenne a monté de 1. “Cela ná peut être l’air de rien, mais cet écart représente 20% de la diffrérence thermique séparant unepériode de glaciation d’une période ‘normale”’, dit Eric Brun. À Paris, le réchauffement serait jusqu’a +2.5 vers 2071-2100. Il y aura des problèmes de faune, de transports, d’eau, de virus, d’urbanisme et de patrimoine. Dans Rhône-Alpes, il va faire +3 en 2070. Là-bas, la fin de la neige est programée…. En alpiisme, les sommets vont devenir inaccessibles.

Day 28/100 November 27, 2015;

Success/Failure: 23/5

Read: To kill a mockingbird (Page 1)

Spent Time: around 10 minutes


When his brother Jem was nearly thirteen, his arm got badly broken. his left arm was shorter than his right. They are Southerners. Simon Finch is a fur-trapping apothecary from Cornwall. He lived to an impressive age and died rich.

Day 26/100 November 25, 2015;

Success/Failure: 22/4

Read: Bridge to Terabithia (Page 93-125)

Spent Time: around 30 minutes


One morning, a terrible tragedy occurs. Leslie is unfound and they think she is dead. They found the broken rope which they normally use to enter Terabithia, and thought she fell into the river. Leslie didnèt show up at the class, either. And so he cried. They would need a new Terabithia queen. And there is a rumor that May Belle would be it.

Day 25/100 November 24, 2015;

Success/Failure: 21/4

Read: Eragon 3 – Brisingr (Page Unknown)

Spent Time: Unknown


Eragon était allé dans les territores de l’Empire, et est revenu saint et sauf. Il était trés content de retouver Saphira. Un détail important. Eragon a tué le dernier des Ra’zacs. Elva, la fille qui a été béní par Eragon. C’est fait enlever le sort par lui-même. Mais ça a mal tourné, et Elva c’est retourné vers eux. Ensuite, Roran voulait qu Eragon les marient, Roran et Katrina, offre qu’Eragon accepta avec plasir.

Day 24/100 November 23, 2015;

Success/Failure: 20/4

Read: Bridge to Terabithia (Page 52-63)

Spent Time: around 30 minutes


Janice Avery is a tall girl that disturbs everyone. Jess and Leslie had a plan to fool her taking a love letter from Willard Hugher. This Willard is a guy that quite all the girls like. So, it’s kind of embarrassing: They accomplished all the plan; even the hardest one, putting the letter. Christmas approaches, but Jess can’t find a gift for Leslie. At last, there was a sign and it reads: Puppets Free.

He got one there. Leslie gave him a coloring case with the paper. They called the dog Prince Terrien, and they are deciding what role does if play in the castle, because Jess and Leslie are the King and Queen of Terabithia.

Day 23/100 November 22, 2015;

Success/Failure: 19/4

Read: Bridge to Terabithia (Page Unknown)

Spent Time: Unknown


It was the first day of school. Mrs Myers, his teacher, gave her first day of school smile. She only smiles  on the first and last day. Strange.  When it’s recess, Deslie Burke joined the group of people who runs there. She beat them all. Jess was a bit frustrated. When Jess returned home with Leslie, they had an idea: build a place just for them two. Leslie called it Terabithia, that can only be accessed with a rope. They are the king and queen of that magical kingtom.

Day 22/100 November 21, 2015;

Success/Failure: 18/4

Read: Science et Vie:On pense tous quantique (Page umknown)

Spent Time: around unknown


Attention! Voici un truc très important pour ceux qui achètent des choses sur Internet souvent. Si vous faites cela, vous pourriez économiser! Imaginer que vous voulez acheter une camera Samsung NX 300. On offre cela à 513 euro à Lisbonne, 449 euro à Paris, et 363 euro à Clayton! Alors, si vous êtes au Canada, vous pouvez acheter quelque chose en Chine, pour que ça soit  moins cher. Aussi, désactivez les cookies!

Imaginez que quelqu’un d’habitué à ce site achète un livre…. Pour $20. Mais là, une autre personne qui désactive ses cookies ne doit payer que $15.

Day 21/100 November 20, 2015;

Success/Failure: 17/4

Read: Bridge to Terabithia (Page 1-10)

Spent Time: around 5 minutes


Jesse, a boy, lives a normal life. He is at Lark Creak Elementary school. He is the fastest runner in 3rd grade, fourth grade and fifth grade, even if he is just at fourth grade. But after, Leslie Burke, a new girl at the school, outruns him….


Day 20/100 November 19, 2015;

Success/Failure: 16/4

Read: Eragon  2 by Christopher Paolini; page (unknown)

Spent Time: around 30 minutes


À Ellesméra, tout est calme. Eragn apprit de nouvelles chases sur Ellesméra. Glaedr et Saphira jouent ensemble tout le temps. Quand Arya a fait découvrir Eragon l’arlme de Menoa, il se souvint de queleque chose. Solenbum, le chat-garou, lui a dit qu’il trouverait une arme aux pied des racines de l’arbre. Eragon a aussi découvert de nouveaux trucs dans sa chambre. A Cavvahall, Roran quitte cette ville pour aller se réfugier vers la Crête, car..

Day 16/100 November 15, 2015;

Success/Failure: 15/1

Read: Maze Runner-The Scorch (Page: Unknown)

Spent Time: around 20 minutes


Thomas being captured and led to the place was just an act which was planned by the WICKED. It seems that wicked can control people. When they arrived at the safe haven, it was just a flag on the stick marked “safe haven”. Then, monsters showed up. A Berg (ship) landed and brought them back home. Then Phase 3 begun. He was in a white chamber without lights. Just a desk. Each day, Wicked gave him food from a window of the door.  They did did it for 26 days.

Day 15/100 November 14, 2015;

Success/Failure: 14/1

Read: Eragon  3 by Christopher Paolini; page 11-75

Spent Time: around 90 minutes


Eragon a gagné la bataille au Plaînes Brùlantes et ile a retrouvé son cousin, Ronan. Ensemble, ils s’en vont vers Helgrind, une montagne quasiment impossible à escalader. Helgrind est la repère des Ràzacs. Eragon et Roran veulent voir si Katrina était emprisonée dans cette repaire, et oui. Apès, pendant le repos, ils jouent à un jeu très drôle. Le gagnant est celui qui a la plus pire blessure. Roran a gagné ave sa blessure à lépaule, infligé par  un Razac. Drôle, n’est-ce pasÉ L, ils sont entré et ont délivré Katrina. L’aventure contiue…..

Day 14/100 November 13, 2015;

Success/Failure: 13/1

Read: Maze Runner 3-the scorch trials By james Dashner; page P236-302

Spent Time: around 20 minutes


Thomas had been tatooed on the neck “to be killed by Group B”. Group B was a group of girls that had also been in the Maze. Aris, a friend of Thomas, (short Tom), was a member of Group B, too. So it turned out Aris should not be a friend of Tom. When Tom and his friends were marching through the Scorch. Group B took Tom by force and were planning to kill him. They said the WICKED built a place where Tom would be killed and Teresa and Aris were taking him there… It was in a tunnel…. It was in a room with a big rectangle green door.


Day 13/100 November 12, 2015;

Success/Failure: 12/1

Read: Maze Runner 3-the scorch trials By james Dashner; page (unknown)

Spent Time: around 20 minutes


Thomas and his ten friends had to cross the world’s most burned-out section, the Scorch. A man working for the Wicked said that they needed to travel 100 miles to the north to find a cure: The Cure to the Flare. They entered a city full of Cranks: people who had the Flare. They asked them to take some food for the rest of the trip. Jorge, the leader of the Cranks, accepted. But Thomas’ name has been posted everywhere in the city.

Day 12/100 November 11, 2015;

Success/Failure: 11/1

Read: Maze Runner 3-the scorch trials By james Dashner; page (unknown)

Spent Time: around 90 minutes


Sorry, readers. But I skipped Maze Runner 1. So, just to resume: Thomas got into the Glade, became a Runner, got himself Banished, returned, and found a code to exit the Maze.  How? Once, when Thomas went beside the Cliff, he threw a rock and it disappeared at a place. They figured out it was a cylinder hidden by cameras and the background image. As if nothing was there, just the void. Then he and his friend realized it was a secret passage to exit the Maze. They gathered and got out of the Maze in the “Tunnel” over the Cliff.  They escaped.  But WICKED is not done yet. Phase 2 begins.  It just got worse…..

Day 9/100 November 8, 2015;


Read: Eragon  2 by Christopher Paolini; page 400-649

Spent Time: around 60 minutes


Eragon continue sa formation avec Oromis et Glaedr. Le Serment du Sang est une fête avec les elfes chaque année. Eragon a fait in petit conte très interessant qu’il lut à voix haute devant ses amis. Après viens ensuite le don d’un dragon à Eragon. Et c’est là que tous ses cicatrices clisparut, il devint plus fort et a une agilité incroyable. C’est lorsqu’il combat contre Vanir qu’il réalise son changement physique. Au côté de Roran, il entre dans une ville avec une fausse barbe et tue 2 gardes car ils ont découvert l’identité de Roran, cet homme qui est recherché partout par l’Empire. Il est en route pour Teirm…

Day 8/100 November 7, 2015;

Success/Failure: 8/0

Read: The maze runner By James Dashner; Page 1-17

Spent Time: around 20 minutes


Thomas: a sixteen years old boy, appeared in a box of metal against metal.  The only thing that he remembers is his name: Thomas. It revealed to him that that box leads to the Glade, a small world with a small number of people. There is a Maze, where runners go inside and out. The Maze is the only hint of where they were. And this curious Maze has a code….Each person in the Glade has a job…. To keep the order in this place.  Each week, supplies like food, water, paper, clothes, etc…. arrives from the box. As time passes, they know all lot of thing about the Glade. What they don’t know is that there is a way of getting outside the Glade…and discover their past.. The adventure is just beginning.

Day 7/100 November 6, 2015;

Success/Failure: 7/0

Read: Enagon 2 by Christopher Paolini; page 157-364

Spent Time: around 150 minutes


Eragon arrive à Ellesméra, une ville peuplé d’eltes. Là-bas, il va commuencer une formation de Dragonnier avec un autre Dragonnier plus expérimenté. En plus, celui-ci a un dragon qui s’a[[elle Glaedr, qui a une patte cassée. Mais quand même, Eragon a une trés belle maison là-bas. Tout est calme. Sauf quand Oromis, le tuteur d’Eragon, réalise que sa bénédiction d’un enfant a été malfait; ils devront le guérir. Quand à Roran.


Day 6/100 November 5, 2015;

Success/Failure: 6/0

Read: Enagon 2 by Christopher Paolini; page- 52-157

Spent Time: around 90 minutes


 Eragon c’est fait adopté par Hrothgar, et je crois c’est un roi. Désormais. Eragon fait partie du même clan que celui-ci. Après cela, il y a eu une fête en honneur d’Eragon.

A l’autre bout, Roran, c’est fait atlaquer son village par des Ra Zacs.

Ils ont réussi à les repousser, par chance, can ils étaient bien prèparé. Eragon commence un long voyage vers Ellesméra….L’aventure continue…..

Day 5/100 November 4, 2015;

Success/Failure: 5/0

Read: Enagon 2 by Christopher Paolini; page 29-52

Spent Time: around 10 minutes


Nuasuada, la seule descendante d’Ajihad (le chef avant) a été choisie pour être le chef des Vardens Eragon et Saphira, sa dragonne, s’en vont à Tronjheim, la ville des nains. L’ Étcile de Saphir, c’est-à-dire une des choses les plus importante de Tronjheim, a éclaté pendant la laaille à Farthen Dûr Eragon et Saphir, ou plutôt Saphira, proncet quelle essaiera de le réparer si nécessaire, mais si c’est une grande tâche L’aventcete se poursuit…



Day 4/100 November 3, 2015;

Success/Failure: 4/0

Read: Enagon 2 by Christopher Paolini; page 11-29

Spent Time: around 30 minutes


Eragon est un jeune homme qui vivait paisiblement lorsqu’un jour, un oeuf de dragon apparut devant lui. Wham. C’est comme ça qu’Eragon devint un Dragonnier. Son but: éliminer le roi Gralbatorix, en tuant ses allies en premier. Maintenant, il et les nains ont gagnés une bataille contre les Urgals (des méchants). Mais trois jours après, ils se sont fait enore attaqué par surprise, et le chef des Vardens (allié des nains) est tué. Ils sont en train de choisir un nouveau chef. L’aventure continue….




Day 3/100 November 2, 2015;

Success/Failure: 3/0

Read: Magnus Chase and the GODS of ASGARD: the sword of summer; P330-491

Spent Time: around 90 minutes


Well, Magnus evaded Valhalla and started a second life. The Sword of Summer can talk! Yes, it can, so you can ask him questions like: 6m=d; c=?

Then he will answer 18.8m C=dπ。 You can ask him to transform into a pen, and it will refuse well, he has IQ, c’mon.

Magnus is trying to find the wolf. A wolf that is super-quick, super-strong, super-fast, super-reflexes and super-whatever. Even gods are afraid of him. So, you would probably imagine it as a super giant wolf like a mountain high, and you’re….incorrect. The Wolf is just as the same size as a wolf.

Even, because of that, he is super-quick, super strong and blah, blah, blah. So no underestimating him. The thing is that this Wolf is trapped on an island which appears every full moon. Manus is on its way.


Day 2/10 November 1, 2015;

Success/Failure: 2/0

Read: Magnus Chase and the GODS of ASGARD: the sword of summer;  P284-301

Spent Time: around 30 minutes


This is the newest book written by Rick Riordan, a famous author. This book is mostly about Norse Mythology. The funny thing though, is that he died (Magnus Chase) in Chapter 7. So, yeah, you would probably think: “What kind of book is this?” and the answer is: Rick Riordan’s most recent book. Magnus Died, then went to the valhalla, and escaped, which meant he sort of “ressurected”. Anyway, a lot of people says it is a really good book. I am at chapter 41. If you don’t know this book, you can google it. Perhaps you will like it!


Day 1/100 October 31, 2015;

Success/Failure: 1/0

Read: Mystére au kremlin les 39 clés/Tome 5 (Patrick Carman); P1-18

Spent Time: around 20 minutes


Ce livre fait partie de la collection des 39 clés. Ce qui est spécial, c’est que chaque livre clans cette collection est écrit par différents auteurs, comme Rick Riordan, Gordon Korman, Peter Lerangis, Jude Waston et Patrick Carman. C’est une histoire, où, 4 clans se font face pour essayer de gagner quelque chose qui  vont leur donner le pouvoir absolu. C’est écrit dans le testament de Grace Cahill. C’est à cause de ça que les 4 clans essayent de s’entre-tuer. Sauf le clan Cahill, qui fait juste suivre la piste d’indices. Je viens tout juste de recommencer à lire le livre, même si je l’ai déja lu une fois. La langue officiel de ces livre est l’anglais. C’est moins meilleur quand un livre est tracleit d’une langue. En plus, ce livre est un livre que j’ai acheté à la Faire aux livres à Fernand-Seguin, seulement pour 1,00$!

TO BE CONTINUED everyday. Stay tuned!