A wonderfully wonderful escape game- A/Maze

Posted on Categories Other than chess, QiuYu Huang, Sparkling

At A / Maze, you and your team can play a real life game where you will be solving a problem within a time limit.  There are different themes: Prison Break, Ultimate Mind, Scientist Lab and Lost Temple.

Prison Break:

You start in a cell and your friends in the other cell. You will be put on handcuffs to make it more difficult. Cell 1 and Cell 2 are all together in an office, with a “Solitary” written on a door and “Evidence Room” on the other.


You start by escaping from the cell

You need to find the key to unlock the handcuffs

You need to escape from an air vent

Escape within 45 minutes!

(The back door on the photo isn’t supposed to be open, it’s supposed to be locked. Probably an update.)

For more details, go to:


We, as a group, 5 of us, failed in the end. The lesson that we learn is that when we have the clues on hand, do not drop it, someone has to track the unsolved clues on a list and make sure we will come back to piece everything together when we have gathered new and more pertinent information for that clue.   In this case, team work really matters. Everyone counts.  Thanks to Sebastian, we were actually very close to the end.


Cici is just trying to kill some time and perhaps some nervousness before the game:

A little warm-up before the game:

Photo from A/Maze
Photo from A/Maze