Recipe for a good tournament – 2017 CYCC 

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The ultimate test-your-brain tournament is back for another edition!  This year it is hosted in Sault St. Marie, Ontario.

To survive a tournament, first you need to survive the trip. I spent most of the time listening to the audio book of The Book Thief. I also slept for a while. The trip is the entree, maybe a good garden salad or something tasty.

We stayed at a small motel for the night.  Sault St Marie Super 8 Motel was evaluated as the cleanest motel/hotel by the CBC Marketplace show (this isn’t a sales pitch for CBC).  The condition was ok. We have got what we needed.

The stay is the appetizer. You have a free day before the tournament and a lot of players spend the time warming up their brains, as it is their only weapon for the tournament.

The next day, we hit the road again. It was a long trip, finally we arrived at the tournament hotel.

Details about this tournament: it is at Sault College, in its vast gymnasium equipped with a dozen cameras spying on the players. This feature is mostly for the parents, as they can see us, in the playing hall, from multiple screens. It has 7 rounds distributed in a week. The winner gets sponsored for the World Championship in Uruguay.

The tournament is the main dish. Before the beginning of the opening ceremony I thought that I would get a real shot at winning the tournament. I scored a mediocre 4.5 / 7. I lost the last two rounds. These two crucial games were played against Eugene and Rohan. Against Eugene, I blundered at the end. Facing Rohan, I had the choice to take a draw or continue playing for the win in an inferior position. I chose the second option, which was a bad idea. I ended up destroying my entire game.

Finally, Rohan won the tournament because of his higher tiebreak.  If I had taken a draw for the last run, then Nicholas, the runner-up,  would have finished with first place!

The closing ceremony is like the dessert. It wraps up the whole tournament. I didn’t go (not because I was mad at my performance and that I was a rage monster). Instead, my friend and I went to the Great Lakes for a walk. There was a Dollarama store nearby and I bought a useless mind puzzle. I dumped it in the garbage 2 days later.

Last year was better than this year, in terms of results. I hope that next year I will stand out! I liked the organization of the tournament and the fact that they had cameras around the playing hall. The parents could see us playing!

Here are a few pro tips from a 4.5 / 7 performer:

• Eat well
• Rest well
• Keep yourself in shape (a few laps around the hotel does the magic)
• Eat chocolate during the game to keep your mind focused (but not too much to avoid getting a sugar rush)

Year 2016 CYCC in Sault St Marie

Year 2015 CYCC in Windsor

Year 2014 memory lost…

Year 2013 memory lost…

Trophies are basically the same design as last year:

Rohan and me; this is the second time that we met this year, will we meet once again in another occassion?:

Adam and me:

On board:

Nicholas and me:

Eugene Hua and me:

Let’s make it more menacing:

All monitored from multiple screens:

Playing Hall: 

Section U14:

Quebec players: