A Review of Catching Fire

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I will start by selecting a few sentences from the book that strike me share my thoughts about them. Some of them are already in the previous article: https://qyhuang.com/100-days-book-reading-journey-qy/

Page 4

“If it were up to me, I would try to forget the Hunger Games entirely.”

It does make a lot of sense. If it were you, what would you do?  Dying in the Hunger Games is Katniss’ greatest worry, and forgetting something so major like this isn’t easy.

Page 256

“Getting to be myself at last.”

What I think Suzanne means is that Katniss hadn’t pretty much enjoyed her life because of the hunger games, so she is not really herself.

Page 267

“And two, make some friends.”

Allies in the Hunger Games are really important. If you don’t have any, you would probably die in just a matter of minutes.

Page 342

“Finnick brings back the rear, so at least someone alert has our back.”

If it would be up to me, I would go for the middle. That’s where you are protected on both sides. My second choice is being in the front, because you always see in front of you and you are protected from behind. On the other side, the disadvantage is that you’re unprotected from the front. Third, the rear: the worst place. Anything can attack you from behind and you can’t see it, which happens a lot of times in the Hunger Game.

Page 353

“I conjure up such a wind in my mind, letting it freeze my cheeks and numb my fingers, and all at once, the piece of metal half buried in the black earth has a name.”

It happens a lot of times. You hold something, something that is so familiar, but you don’t know its name. Then you think about something irrelevant but that has a tiny connection with the thing that you are holding in your hands and then that’s when you find the name. Sometimes, you’re concentrating so hard that you can’t find the answer. I don’t have a reason for this.

Page 377

“Finnick rejoins us, his fist full of my arrows still wet with monkey blood.”

In the Hunger Games, all the resources are limited, except if the sponsors are generous.  So why not recycle them? You can just easily wash off the blood on the arrow in the saltwater then re-use it again.

Page 440

He holds up a glistening, perfect pearl about the size of a pea.”

Pearls are ‘made’ in an oyster. Perfect pearls (perfectly round shapted) are rare, and are really expensive. It takes a miracle to find a perfect pearl.


If you check Amazon, search for Catching Fire, and click on the reviews, there’s a guy who said that all of this is just based on the fall of Rome. I’m not so sure, because I don’t study history that much. There’s another guy who says he needs a fire extinguisher.

I already saw Catching Fire on movie. I recommend you to read the book before watching the movie, because in it the director of the movie can change, delete and add scenes. So it gets confusing when you read the book. And… That’s what I happened to me.

 My favorite parts are the Games. It’s like being in a game. What I don’t like is the ‘killing people’ part. It seems bloody. I prefer just to say: “Finnick killed him with his trident.” And not “The man from District 5, the drunk who threw up on the sword-fighting floor, sinks to his knees as Finnick frees the trident from his chest.

 I won’t try to imagine that.

Anyways, the ‘environment’ of the story is good. The Capitol, the Hunger Games, the Districts, the uprisings and the rebellion… It makes a perfect combination, unless that guy who wrote review on Amazon was right.
